the energy centers of the body

The word Chakra is derived from Sanskrit which is Hindu and when translated it means Wheel of Spinning Energy. Think of a Chakra as a spinning, high-speed wheel of energy that vibrates at certain points within our body and auric field (aka Aura). Chakras link the physical body to the earth and the spiritual body. They regulate the flow of energy through the endocrine system, meridians and energize specific organs within the body. The color of the chakra is determined by the vibration frequency. There are seven of these major energy centers and minor ones as well that are not currently listed. 

Symbolised as a four-petal lotusColor: RedSound: LAM(pronounced Laam)Element: EarthGland/System: Adrenal /Vertebral, Leg, Foot, Blood, & SkeletonThe associated animals are the Elephant, Lioness and SnakeRepresents: Survival and Physica…

Symbolised as a four-petal lotus

Color: Red

Sound: LAM
(pronounced Laam)

Element: Earth

Gland/System: Adrenal /
Vertebral, Leg, Foot, Blood, & Skeleton

The associated animals are the Elephant, Lioness and Snake

Represents: Survival and Physical Needs

When Balanced: Safe & Grounded

The Kundalini remains coiled by the Base Chakra until it is awakened.

The Base (OR ROOT) Chakra = I Have

Known as Muladhara in Hindu translates into "Root Support".

The 1st Chakra is located at the base of the spine at the perineum, along the first three vertebrae at the pelvic plexus. It is represented as a cone of energy starting at the base of the spine moving downward toward the earth. The Base Chakra supports the feeling of growth and safety to explore, and relates to earthly issues, such as survival, the physical body, issues of money, sustenance, safety and shelter. The Base Chakra is how we ground ourselves to the earth and anchor our energy into the world. It symbolizes the link between the person and the earth, and lays the foundation for expansion in your life. Balancing the root chakra creates the solid foundation for opening the chakras above.

When out of balance, you may experience anxiety disorders, fears or nightmares. It is hard to feel safe in the world when everything looks like a potential risk. Our desire for security dominates and translates into concerns over your job situation, physical safety, shelter and health. Physical imbalances manifest in the colon or bladder with elimination issues or lower back, leg and feet issues. In men, prostate problems may occur. Eating disorders can be another signal the Base Chakra is imbalanced. When the Base Chakra is blocked people's behaviors are ruled mainly by fear.

Physical movement strengthens this chakra. Yoga, dancing, sports, walking barefoot on grass, working in the garden – anything that gets you moving or connected with nature. Honoring your body and taking care of it on the outside will bring you well-being on the inside it. By energizing this chakra, you strengthen your right to have and you will be blessed with the loving and supportive relationships you truly deserve. 

Gemstones: Garnet, Red Jasper, Black Tourmaline, and Bloodstone. Place the gemstone on the area of the chakra while lying down to help open and align it.

Essential oils: Rosewood, Rosemary, Sandalwood, Black Pepper, Cedar, Cloves, Ginger.

Symbolised as a six-petal lotusColor: Orange )Sound: VAM(pronounced Vaam)Element: WaterGland/System: Ovaries & Testes /Kidney, Urinary, Lymphatic & Reproductive System.The associated animals are theCrocodile, Dolphin…

Symbolised as a six-petal lotus

Color: Orange )

Sound: VAM
(pronounced Vaam)

Element: Water

Gland/System: Ovaries & Testes /
Kidney, Urinary, Lymphatic & Reproductive System.

The associated animals are the
Crocodile, Dolphin and Fish

Represents: Emotional Balance

When Balanced: Harmonious Relationships & Healthy Sexuality

Considered the petal lotus of "Creation"

THE SAcral CHAKRA = I feel

Known as Svadhishthana in Hindu translates into "the Dwelling place of the self."

The 2nd Chakra is located in the lower abdomen two fingers below the navel, at the root of sexual organs and along the spine on the lumbar vertebrae. The Sacral Chakra is a lotus within a crescent moon with six cinnabar or orange petals. It relates to emotion, desire, creativity, and sexuality. It represents the center for emotional well-being, our feelings, sensations, sensual and sexual desires. It is motivated by enjoyment of life through taste, touch, hearing and seeing. Your Sacral Chakra allows you to “feel” the world around and in you as such, it holds the foundation of our well-being.

When out of balance, a person may experience emotional instability, fear of change, depression, sexual dysfunction or addiction. They'll be ruled by negative emotions, overindulgence, feeling lost, dependent or codependent on a person or substance. 

Balance this chakra for wellness, abundance, pleasure, and joy. Stay in touch with your feelings, avoid holding onto negative emotion and process your emotions in a healthy way. When in balance, you maintain a healthy sex life, you honor and respect your body. To activate this chakra, play like a child or visualize a glowing orange ball of energy in your belly. See it spinning like a wheel and sparkling as it picks up speed. Feel joy as it grows and sends sparks of orange into the Universe. You can also, use the breathing technique called Ida Nadi to open up the second chakra and bring in lunar energy. By energizing the Sacral Chakra, you attract creativity, joy, passion, and love into your life.

Gemstones: Orange and Coral Calcite, Citrine, Orange Carnelian and Orange Aventurine. Place the gemstone on the area of the chakra while lying down to help open and align it.

Essential oils: Ylang ylang, Sandalwood, Clary Sage, Rose, Jasmine.

Symbolised as a ten-petal lotusColor: Bright Yellow or GoldSound: RAM(pronounced Raam )Element: FireGland/System: Adrenal / Liver, Pancreas, Stomach, Metabolism, Digestive and Intestinal Systems.The associated animals are theRam, Bear & Elk…

Symbolised as a ten-petal lotus

Color: Bright Yellow or Gold

Sound: RAM
(pronounced Raam )

Element: Fire

Gland/System: Adrenal / Liver, Pancreas, Stomach, Metabolism, Digestive and Intestinal Systems.

The associated animals are the
Ram, Bear & Elk

Represents: Personal Identification & Ego

When Balanced: Healthy Social Relationships

The solar Plexus Chakra = i can

Known as Manipura in Hindu translates into “Lustrous Gem”.

The 3rd Chakra is located in the navel in the area of the solar plexus to the breastbone. This chakra relates to metabolism, digestive and is linked to the third-eye. The Solar Plexus Chakra is where our personal source of power, self-esteem, warrior energy and transformation lives. Take the time to get in sync with who you are and what you feel. When clear intentions and goals are set, you claim your personal power and have no need to take power from others. First thing in the morning if possible or before sunset walk around outside. The sun recharges this chakra, your energy level and the connection you have with yourself and the world.

Imbalance in this chakra leads to muscles problems, fatigue, stomach ulcers, allergies and diabetes. If you are the type of person who changes your emotional needs to suit the needs of others, you'll end up stunting your own self worth which does not evolve and results in self doubt, mistrust all while lowering your vitality. When this chakra is blocked, you experience depression, rejection and tend to blame others.

When in balance you'll feel confident, set focused goals, be self-motivated and your third eye will be healthy and open. Physical movement awakens and recharges the body, especially first thing in the morning. Try Tai Chi, Yoga, or Pilates (outside if possible), and gardening. When we are fit and healthy, we are more willing to take action.

Gemstones: Yellow Topaz, Golden Yellow Labradorite and Tiger-Eye. Place the gemstone on the area of the chakra while lying down to help open and align it.

Essential oils: Rosewood, Rosemary, Frankincense, Sandalwood, Rose, Myrrh, Chamomile.

Symbolised as a lotus with twelve petals.Color: GreenSound: YAM(pronounced Yaam)Element: AirGland/System: Thymus /Heart, Cardiac Plexus, Lungs,   Breast, Lymphatic, Circulatory & Immune SystemThe associated animals are the Dove, Antelo…

Symbolised as a lotus with twelve petals.

Color: Green

Sound: YAM
(pronounced Yaam)

Element: Air

Gland/System: Thymus /
Heart, Cardiac Plexus, Lungs,   Breast, Lymphatic, Circulatory & Immune System

The associated animals are the Dove, Antelope & Hummingbird

Represents: Love, Relationships

When Balanced: Unconditional Love 

Considered to be the petal lotus of "Essential Nature"




The Heart Chakra = i love

Known as Anahata in Hindu translates into "Unhurt".

The 4th Chakra is located at the center of the chest, at the heart level and behind it along the spinal column. The Heart Chakra connects the three chakras above it and the three below it. It's where the physical and spiritual/female and male meet. This chakra offers beneath the hurt and remorse from the past there is a spiritual plane where pain does not exists. It emphasizes giving and receiving, and how open we are to relationships.

An Imbalanced Heart Chakra results in an emotionally charged life which results in issues with the heart and lungs. When this energy is blocked or closed there is a tendency to become overly active, prone to grief, angry, jealous, a fear of betrayal and hate toward yourself and others. Any person who inflicts pain on others comes from a place of fear, ignorance or hate. When you encounter hurt feelings from your past or present choose to feel them fully then release them. You can't change the past so it's a waste of unnecessary energy. Keep in mind the pain people reflect on you is really a reflection of their own pain. By forgiving and letting go, you’re able to open your heart to new people and experiences. Holding onto negative feelings cuts you off from love.

When this chakra is in balance it flows with love and compassion, learn to have empathy and compassion as it allows love to flow freely. Forgive easily, accept yourself and others for who they are. To activate this chakra, visualize a glowing green ball of energy in your belly area. See it spinning like a wheel and sparkling. Feel joy as it grows larger and sends green sparks out into the Universe. Love experienced through the Heart Chakra is not just about romance, it's about going beyond the limitations of the ego to compassion and acceptance. 

Gemstones: Green Emerald, Malachite, Jade, Rose Quartz, Clear Quartz, Green Calcite. Place the gemstone on the area of the chakra while lying down to help open and align it.

Essential oils: Lavender, Rosemary, Frankincense, Jasmine, Sandalwood, Rose, Hyssop. Ylang Ylang, Melissa, Angelica, Chamomile.

Symbolised as a sixteen petaled lotus. Color: Blue(Also seens as Turquoise & Smoky Purple)Sound: HAM(pronounced Haam )Element: Akasha ("Etheral")Gland/System: Thyroid, Parathyroid / Neck, Larynx, Mouth Tooth, Shoulder & ArmsTh…

Symbolised as a sixteen petaled lotus. 

Color: Blue
(Also seens as Turquoise & Smoky Purple)

Sound: HAM
(pronounced Haam )

Element: Akasha ("Etheral")

Gland/System: Thyroid, Parathyroid / Neck, Larynx, Mouth Tooth, Shoulder & Arms

The associated animals are Birds, Whale, Wolf & White Elephant

Represents: Intuition and Wisdom

When Balanced: Calm and Focused

Considered to be the petal lotus of "Enjoyment"

The Throat Chakra = 

Known as Vishuddha in Hindu translates into "Purification".

The 5th Chakra is located in the neck and shoulders. It provides a passage for the energy between the lower body and head to travel. The Throat Chakra links us to Spirit and our etheric self. It’s an important energy center that can be used to align the entire chakra system. The Throat Chakra is all about expression of: Your truth, creativity, emotions and soul purpose. Repressing what you need to say becomes problematic but there are times you need to use discretion. You don't want to blurt out everything thought that comes to mind, say what needs to be said for your higher good and you'll find the right balance.

When the Throat Chakra is imbalanced or blocked it leads to feeling insecure, timid, and becoming an introvert. In the moment it can be easier to say what another person wants to hear instead of speaking your truth. The fear of not being accepted or judged by others may block you from speaking your truth, but when the Root and Sacral Chakras are aligned it overcomes this fear. An overactive Throat Chakra leads to gossip, nonstop talking, being verbally aggressive or mean. It will feel like the discourse between what you think and what comes out of your mouth is not working or maybe missing entirely.

When in balance you speak, listen and express yourself from a higher form of consciousness. To sing, hum, chant or read outloud are ways to open this chakra. It's best if your lower chakras are in alignment so the energy of the Third Eye Chakra can flow unhindered. Additionally, having the Solar Plexus chakra open and flowing allows you to harness your personal power and feel more confident and in aligning with your Heart Chakra it makes it easier to verbalize what your true needs, desires, and opinions are. Affirmations are another helpful tool to turn what you want into what you desire. 

Gemstones: Sapphire, Blue Topaz, Lapis Lazuli, Aquamarine, Turquoise. 

Essential oils: Frankincense, Ylang ylang, Sandalwood, Rose, Jasmine, Neroli.

Symbolised as a lotus with two petalsColor: Indigo (most prominent), Violet, Deep Blue, Bluish White.Mantra Sound: KSHAAM(pronounced as Kshaam)Element: FireGland/System: Pineal, Pituitary /Head, Eyes, Ear, and Nervous System. The…

Symbolised as a lotus with two petals

Color: Indigo (most prominent), Violet, Deep Blue, Bluish White.

Mantra Sound: KSHAAM
(pronounced as Kshaam)

Element: Fire

Gland/System: Pineal, Pituitary /
Head, Eyes, Ear, and Nervous System. 

The associated animals are the Cat, Raven, Hawk & Eagle

Represents: Intuition and Wisdom

When Balanced: Calm and Focused

Third Eye Chakra’s images and visions can be subtle and hard to describe. These inner visions may appear blurry, dream-like or be as clear as a movie playing in front of your eyes. 







The Third eye Chakra = 

Known as Anja in Hindu translates into "Perceive".

The 6th Chakra aka the Sixth Sense is located between the eyebrows behind the forehead and provides perception beyond ordinary sight. The Third Eye Chakra works with the pineal gland to regulate your biorhythm and is near the middle of the brain, close to the optical nerves. It responds to visual stimulation and reacts to changes in light. Through this chakra you perceive the more subtle parts of reality and how you transcend duality from “I”, as being a separate entity of the world, to "We" are energetically one with all of creation. The Third Eye Chakra transcends the five elements, it is free of time-bound consciousness constraints and is where the "I" consciousness gets absorbed into super-consciousness. Once your third eye is open, you have an intuitive sensibility and deeper inner knowing. The third eye chakra is associated with the archetypal dimensions, as well as the realm of spirits.

Since the moment you were born, you’ve attributed what you perceive to be limited to the five senses: to see, hear, taste, touch and smell. While the physical senses are good, they can block awareness when it comes to psychic abilities such as mystical states, clairvoyance, clairaudience, telepathy, lucid dreams precognition, perception of dimensions and bypassing your physical senses to expand into the realm of energy. When the Third Eye Chakra is imbalanced you'll feel stuck without being able to see beyond daily problems. An overactive chakra can manifest as fantasies that appear more real than reality, indulgence in psychic fantasies and illusion. Trouble establishing a vision for self, rejection of everything spiritual, no ability to see the greater picture and a lack of clarity.

The best way to balance your Third Eye Chakra is through meditation at a specific time each day. A tingling sensation can occur around the third eye during or after meditation, it's a sign this chakra is opening. We use to count on our sense of intuition and inner knowing before modern technology, our instincts were our guide. Like how birds sense a tsunami or squirrels know when to gather food. When we focus our mind and consciousness, we see beyond the distractions and illusions before us and gain insight that aligns us with our highest good.

Gemstones: Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli, Azurite.

Essential oils: Vetiver, Rosemary, Angelic Root, Frankincense, Bay Laurel, Cypress, Juniper.

Symbolised as a a lotus with one thousand multi-coloured petalsColor: Violet (most prominent)Multicolored - Lilac, White and GoldSound: OM(pronounced OM)Element: Gland/System: Pineal/Hypothalamus, Brain (Some say it is not an Organ as…

Symbolised as a a lotus with one thousand multi-coloured petals

Color: Violet (most prominent)
Multicolored - Lilac, White and Gold

Sound: OM
(pronounced OM)


Gland/System: Pineal/
Hypothalamus, Brain (Some say it is not an Organ as it is ascended) 

The associated animals are Owls, Butterflies and Enlightened Being

Represents: Spirituality

When Balanced: Unity Consciousness

Considered to be the petal lotus of "Great Bliss"







The Crown Chakra = I KNOW

Known as Sahasrara in Hindu which translates into the "1,000 petal lotus".

The 7th Chakra is located on top of and slightly above the head, like a crown (hence the name) and connects the brain with the spiritual mind. It represents the link between the person, their divine self, the Universe and God. The Crown Chakra is associated with the pituitary gland, and secondarily to the pineal and the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus and pituitary gland work together to regulate the endocrine system. Because of its location, it is closely associated with the brain and nervous system. This chakra is considered to be the purest state of consciousness, within spiritual attainment and the essence of being. It is the source of enlightenment and spiritual connection to everything, our higher self, every living thing on the planet and all divine energy in the universe. You are pure consciousness, undivided and all expansive. This chakra provides spiritual insight, mindfulness and the ability to live with quiet self-confidence. 

When the Crown chakra has an imbalance, it can lead to disconnection from spirit and constant cynicism. Depression, mental fog, migraines, chronic fatigue, greed and materialism. An overactive Crown Chakra manifests as a disconnection with the body, living in your head, obsessive attachment to spiritual matters and/or a closed mind.

Meditation, prayer, and daily silence lead to increased moments of spiritual connection. Once youestablish a daily practice that connects you to universal consciousness, you'll notice an expansion of spiritual awareness in your outer world and begin to experience unconditional love on a consistent basis. You become compassionate, kind, forgiving and show more humility. Life will no longer be solely about you and your desires, your life becomes more about serving others because when you serve others you are serving yourself. 

Gemstones: Amethyst, Selenite, Sugilite, Clear Quartz, Diamond.

Essential oils: Lavender, Rosewood, Vetiver, Frankincense,  Jasmine, Elemi, Patchouli, Ylang-Ylang.

Restoring the power of your Chakras is how you take back control of your health and wellness by learning to work with energy.